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Chai Pomegranate Mexican Chocolate Cupcakes

Feb 11

Yeah, yeah... the name needs some serious work. How about "spiced deliciousness??" No?.... Well, I'll keep you posted.
So, these ones were pretty simple to whip up, but the pay off was big! First, I made the Pomegranate dark chocolate cupcake base from my "Pom Gin Cups" (also featured on this blog), then I melted some Mexican chocolate along with some oil, butter, sugar, and a little extra cocoa and cinnamon. I topped each cupcake with the Mexican chocolate, filling the small dips in the centers of the cupcakes. As they cooled, I made a chai buttercream frosting. I topped each cupcake with a little candied ginger. Mmmmm....
I will post a more detailed recipe soon! Happy baking!



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Englewood, Colorado, United States
Want to buy my cupcakes? Email me at keckie.swenson@gmail.com

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Petit Chef

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